5 ways you can reduce the spread of COVID-19


5 ways you can reduce the spread of COVID-19

1. Get the COVID-19 vaccine if you are eligible

COVID19 vaccination is safe, effective and free. Vaccines benefit everyone who receives them and are especially important for those who are at high risk of developing serious illnesses from COVID 19, such as: B. People of all ages with certain medical conditions, including the elderly and pregnancy.

2. Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds after any activity

This includes blowing your nose, coughing, and so on. Be sure to wash your hands before eating or cooking. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands.

3. Wear a mask or cloth face covering

If you are not fully vaccinated and are over 2 years old, wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth in a public place indoors. A cloth face cover may not protect the wearer, but it does prevent the virus from spreading to others. The CDC needs to reduce the prevalence of COVID19 by allowing people in areas with high COVID19 cases to engage in activities with close contact with other people who are not fully vaccinated and to keep them socially distant. It is recommended to wear a mask in a crowded outdoor area in certain situations. Difficult, consider cultivation.

4. Clean "high-touch" surfaces regularly

Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces with a suitable household disinfectant, such as tables, doorknobs, lamp switches, desks, telephones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, and sinks.

5. Have a plan if you get sick

Talk to your friends and family about who can help you if you get sick. I have a list of current medicines available. Plan who can deliver food and meals, perform errands, and even take care of you.

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